Hello everyone! We are so excited to get to know you all and have a lot of great events this semester- we are going to update you on our social media platforms as well as here on our website on what we have planned. Due to the Covid-19 situation it is more than ever important that you register for our events (also for our regulars table).

Regulars’ Table

  •  it is going to be roughly every second Thursday at 7 pm
  • we will give you more information on our website, on Instagram and on Facebook a week before the Regulars’ Table
  • there is no need to register just come and join us

Office hour:

  • We are offering consultations from 13.00-15.00 pm CET every Monday to help you with any questions you may have about living or studying in Tübingen! It isn’t necessary to sign up or make an appointment beforehand. Just klick on the following link to participate:  https://join.skype.com/lN7OyS9QIq8X
  • Check the site “registration” to see for which events you can already register and get more information about the trips on the site “news and activities” !