You are currently viewing Cancelled: Beer-Quiz Regulars Table 30/06/16

Cancelled: Beer-Quiz Regulars Table 30/06/16

Due to the rather low intereset and because we all have to get up pretty early tomorrow we have decided cancel the regulars table.
We are sorry about that, but at least we will see each other tomorrow!

Do you think after a few months in Germany you already know everything about beer and want to test your knowledge? Or do you feel like you could use a little more insight into the German national drink?
Than you should come to our beerquiz regulars Tabley at Storchen! Of course we have a little Surprise prepared for the glorious victors 😉
We meet this Thursday the 30th of June at 8pm.
Anyone who isn’t as fascinated by beer is of course also highly welcome!
We excited to see you 🙂