You are currently viewing Pub Crawl 20/10/2016

Pub Crawl 20/10/2016

You want to get to know Tübingen’s nightlife with some local students? Then you are the right person for our pub crawl! We will split you into groups, show you our favorite bars in Tübingen and meet again in the end to finish the night together!

When? Thursday, 20/10/16 at 7pm
Where? In front of Mensa Wilhelmstraße
Costs: none

You can register here!
IMPORTANT: Participation is free but limited, so make sure to get a free pub crawl wristband from us. You can only take part in our pubcrawl when wearing our wristband.

You can get your wristband at the following dates (check our Facebook and website for additational dates):

10/10/2016 at the Meet and Greet